Tuesday, March 9, 2010


While doing some searching for new books {not that I'm in need of any at the moment, but hey, procrastinating research papers takes one to many mysterious places}, I came across the most excellent bookstore in the whole world. Of course it's in England, just like most everything I'm obsessed with.

Persephone Books

Started in 1999, this store reprints neglected books, mostly by 20th century women authors. They put a lot of thought into the books they print, so you know you're going to get something great. The outside covers of all
the books are printed in a very soft, lovely gray, but the inside covers are printed with pattens specific to the characters or author's time period. I love that each book feels special {and looks like candy!}.

In addition to the attentiveness given to each treatise, Persephone Books is also concerned with the satisfaction of their customers. They provide a very handy, and accurate, present buying guide that can be found here.

Obviously, I want absolutely every book they offer, but as soon as I finish my current reading stash, I can't wait to dig into A New System of Domestic Cookery by Mrs. Rundell. Out of print since 1893, this cookbook was prevalent in the time of Jane Austen. If Jane cooked, it would have been with the advice and instruction from this work. Oh, I love the idea of historic recipes!

Speaking of historic {as a grad student in historic preservation, it's sort of an area of interest for me}, the bookstore itself is located in a historic building {LOVE!}. Dating to 1702-1703, the store has retained some of the original historic fabric, including panelling, staircases, balusters, & an essentially unchanged basement.

I'm seriously considering asking for their book of the month club for my birthday!

Article {& location of the pictures} on the bookstore here.

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