This discovery happened through one of those amazing chain of events that makes new books, music, etc that much sweeter. I can't take the credit though.My BFF during undergrad - Zach - was randomly watching Jay Leno or some late night show & Sondre Lerche was the entertainment. I want to say this was 2006 ish. He puts him on my ipod; we become obsessed. We were also obsessed with The Office & eventually saw Dan In Real Life with Steve Carrell & I was quite surprised to hear a familiar voice- Sondre did the whole soundtrack. Anyways I guess that's not too crazy of a chain of events, but I think it's funny - especially when you dig something years before he becomes known in any sense of that word.

Born in Norway in 1982, he has released 6 albums in the US. Also, he did a great duet with Regina Spektor who also rocks!
- Faces Down {2002}
- Two Way Monologue {2004}
- Duper Sessions {2006}
- Phantom Punch {2007}
- Dan in Real Life {2007}
- Heartbeat Radio {2009}

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